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  • UC Santa Cruz

Student Environmental Center Through the Years

A Timeline of Student Agency through the Environmental Justice Movement Contributed by Student Environmental Center On a National Level: 1970 | First Earth Day & Formation of Environmental Protection Agency The Environmental Protection Agency was created following the increase of public interest in the protection of the environment. The EPA focuses on maintaining the health of humans and the environment […]

Drowning in Waste By 2020?

– Featured Image By Emily May Growing global waste management issues, increasing climate change pressures, and missing our UC-Wide Zero Waste by 2020 goals inspires IDEASS Lab team, Myceliall Solutions, to take matters into their own hands.  It’s Fall of 2021 and after a whirlwind year, you’ve finally made it back onto campus. You’re rushing over to a café to […]

(W)hooo Lives in the Box?

Owls come in many shapes and sizes as there are over 250 species around the world, living in different habitats like agricultural fields or thick forests. Most live in natural habitats like trees or caves, but some rest in human-made places like owl boxes or barns.


CULTURESHOCK – What a word. What a bombastic term. An utterance to strike fear in every exchange student’s heart. CULTURESHOCK! I experienced cultureshock the other day while buying some impressively large broccoli at Trader Joe’s. The cashier was enthusiastic. “Hey there. Would you like a bag?” “Yes please.” So far so good. The man pushes the broccoli across the scanner. […]