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  • scislug@gmail.com
  • UC Santa Cruz

How to Grow Your Own Cosmic Garden: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Celestial Gods and Goddesses of the Universe

by Stephanie Figuereo Cosmic gardens are the glowing forces of the Universe that give an otherwise empty vacuum significance. They hold within them stars that emit light and twinkle in red and blue star clusters. The planets they create add personality and character, where some may rain diamonds, fashion 600 rings, or have an ocean with no land. Growing your […]

Time to Astrid Anker

Time is found, lost, given, spent. Together with space it can bend. Time is a fickle friend. In physics class we are told that time is relative: it ticks by slower or faster, depending on the motion of the object and the frame of reference. Sometimes we forget to apply that to our own human experience. It’s a lot for […]

Space to Nick Omahen

Space (I believe in) — I’m tired of this world, everything’s fucked, and people are the worst. Okay, okay, I exaggerate, I’ll admit; But it seems to me, if it’s here with us Sooner or later, we’ll turn it to shit. Space though? We’ve telescopes to see, and minds so to wonder eternally; but not much else, as of our […]

Guide Star: A Poem

A poem by Kenny Shen “Three…two…one… Laser’s on!” A switch is thrown, and A blinding beam screams from the telescope, Piercing the tranquil night sky. A blazing beacon of photons, Reaching into the heavens. Traveling 186,000 miles a second, Broadcast by inquiring minds, Making its lonely sojourn, Into the infinite, icy blackness beyond. What’s out there? Stars, galaxies, nebulae, A […]

Kicking Off Fall 2015

Greetings, Scientific Slug blog readers! This fall quarter we are kicking off the blog with a poem by the one and only Brutus. Enjoy. Shakespeare! Weierstrass! Thank you for your leaps and bounds, your contributions to my arts! But I won’t forget you could have any name, or have never thought at all and I would still find something to […]

Rose Synthesis

A rose unfolds, unravels and blooms Days and nights waltz quickly, a shuffling one, two Past the artist child’s eyes They glow- In rivers of golds and bursts of green the eyes of the little one grow With fascination the rose unfolds to reveal everything- Everything that we are – in it beauty In it jealousy and greed The thoughts […]


Once, loneliness led to revelry and camaraderie: falling down stairs and sleeping in a heap. I’d wake up like a groggy beast of burden resigned to drop my shoulder into the harness one more day. Now I watch Faraday shock toads with magnets drawn over copper wires on the page, and I wonder endlessly how a rim of infinite parallelepipeds […]